Cocker Apparel
Snoods - Belly Bands - Sweaters - Blankets
All made by Candy on her trusty sewing machine.
Prices are VERY reasonable!
Email or call if you'd like more information or want to order.
Click to view Snoods and Belly Band slideshow
Miniature Poodles, Shih-Tzu, Italian Greyhounds,
Shelties, King Charles Spaniels and Dachshunds.
$6.00 plus S/H.
Approximately 10" long and the special elastic
measures 11" unexpanded - expanding comfortably to 16",
with a roomy ear circumference of approximately 21.5".
Perfect for Cavalier Spaniels.
$6.00 plus S/H.
Approximately 13" long and the special elastic
measures 12.5" unexpanded - expanding comfortably to 20",
with a roomy ear circumference of approximately 26".
Perfect for American and English Cocker Spaniels,
Afghans, Greyhounds, Saluki,
Standard Poodles, Pointers, Gordon Setters,
English Setters and Irish Setters.
$6.00 plus S/H
Approximately 14" long, and the special elastic
measures 14.5" unexpanded - expanding comfortably to 25",
with a roomy ear circumference
of approximately 31".
These are perfect for Bassett Hounds
and other large Hound Breeds.
$6.00 plus S/H
Belly Bands for Male Dogs
Wraps around your males middle and stays snug with velcro, and keeps him from peeing in the house!
To be used with a sanitary pad.
Ask Candy how to measure for size.
$6.00 plus S/H
Sweaters & Bed Covers
Email or call if you'd like more information or want to order.
The sweaters come in one size and will fit a cocker
of about 22 pounds or less.
Made with stretchy polar fleece, and will keep your cocker warm all winter!
Call or email Candy to find out the options.
$20 plus S/H
Bed Covers, Etc
Email or call for more information and prices.
Click to view slideshow